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Eat These Foods to Prevent Periodontal Disease

July 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 5:28 pm
A woman buying fresh vegetables at a farmer's market.

Did you know that your diet plays a major role in maintaining not just your body health, but your oral health, too? It’s true! Eating a diet rich in beneficial fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can help protect your gums and may even help prevent conditions like periodontal (gum) disease.

Here are some important foods you can add to your menu to safeguard your gums!

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Eating a rainbow of vegetables and fruits can help give you important dietary fiber and can even help keep your teeth clean as you chew.

Dairy Products

Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese all have calcium, which is great for your tooth enamel. Yogurt can also contain probiotics, which are “good” bacteria that could help prevent cavities.

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds contain fiber, calcium, and vitamins which can help protect your gums from periodontal disease.

Salmon & Fatty Fish

Fat isn’t always a bad thing, especially when it’s omega 3. This beneficial fatty acid can help reduce inflammation, which can cause or be caused by periodontal disease.

Green Tea

Green tea contains something called “catechins” which can help prevent periodontal disease. In fact, catechins are the most important nutrient for fighting gum disease, and tea drinkers are said to have a lower risk of developing it across the board.


Water is great for the entire body, but it can help your teeth and gums by keeping your mouth hydrated and helping to rinse away dangerous bacteria, plaque, and food debris.

Sugar-Free Gum

As long as it’s sugar-free, chewing gum can neutralize plaque acid and keep your breath fresh at the same time. Chewing gum between brushing can help create saliva and keep your mouth moisturized, washing away food particles and bacteria as you chew!

Other Ways to Prevent Periodontal Disease

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, there are many other things you can do to reduce your risk of periodontal disease, including:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Attending your regular, semi-annual dental exams
  • Not smoking

Remember, periodontal disease isn’t just something you need to accept with age. With proper oral hygiene and a diet packed full of important vitamins and minerals, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and reduce your risk of this condition.

About Our Practice

At Turning Leaf Dental, we strive to get to know each of our patients on an individual basis. This not only helps make you feel more comfortable, but it also helps us customize the best care for your unique mouth. Whether you need a cleaning and exam, a cosmetic dentistry procedure, a restoration, or treatment for an illness such as periodontal disease, our team is ready to help.

To schedule an appointment, please visit our website or call us at 617-536-5182.