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Object Stuck Between Your Teeth: What to Do

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 1:54 am
person flossing teeth

Whether or not you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment to achieve a more uniform smile, it’s not unusual to have gaps between your teeth. These spaces can occasionally trap objects, even for those who’ve had braces or Invisalign in the past. While these gaps contribute to the uniqueness of your smile, it’s essential to know how to deal with objects getting stuck between your teeth. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, continue reading to learn how to handle this dental emergency effectively.

Tip #1: Gently Push with Your Tongue

Before resorting to any tools to dislodge an object stuck between your teeth, attempt to use your tongue gently to push on it. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive force on your tongue may lead to chewing difficulties, TMJ exacerbation, jaw pain, or speech pattern issues. If you feel like you are overworking your tongue, stop using this method and try one of the techniques below.

Tip #2: Use a Tool Made for Your Teeth

Using objects like pliers, a needle, a fork, a knife, or tweezers to dislodge something between your teeth is not recommended as they are not designed for this purpose. Such attempts can lead to cuts or injuries to your gums, creating openings for harmful bacteria to enter and increasing the risk of infections like gum disease. Instead, opt for safer alternatives like a water flosser or a dental pick to effectively dislodge the object without risking harm to your oral health.

Tip #3: Try Using a Toothpick

To dislodge an item stuck between your teeth, try using a wooden toothpick. Gently glide the toothpick between the teeth and let it stay there for a few seconds to create a small space. Then, use dental floss to remove the object. Rinse your mouth with warm water to expedite the process. If needed, repeat these steps one or two more times until the object is successfully dislodged.

Tip #4: Floss Carefully

If the previous tips don’t work, you can use dental floss to dislodge the stuck object. However, use caution and a gentle technique, as flossing too forcefully could push the object further below the gum line. Slowly and carefully move the dental floss between your teeth, applying only a small amount of pressure to avoid any complications.

Tip #5: Munch on Crunchy Food

If the previous methods are unsuccessful, consider eating crunchy foods as a potential solution. While it may sound counterintuitive and possibly make the issue worse, chewing on crunchy fruits or vegetables like apples, carrots, pears, celery, and cucumber can help loosen debris stuck between your teeth. The act of chewing works out your mouth, which might aid in dislodging the object.

If none of the above methods work, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist. They will prioritize your situation and arrange for you to come in as soon as possible to safely remove the object and restore your smile to its proper condition!

About the Practice

At Turning Leaf Dental, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy smile. Our comprehensive range of services includes preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dental care for patients of all ages. If you ever encounter an object stuck between your teeth that you can’t remove yourself, our skilled team can quickly and safely dislodge it for you. To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please call Turning Leaf Dental at (617) 536-5182 or visit our website.