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Turning Leaf Dental Blog

Do Your Teeth Get More Sensitive with Veneers?

December 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 4:25 am
a woman getting veneers from her dentist

Modern dental advances have made it possible to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Whether you have stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth, cosmetic treatments like veneers have provided a long-lasting solution for a range of dental imperfections. These thin porcelain coverings can completely transform your pearly whites! But do they cause teeth sensitivity? Here’s what you need to know from your dentist in Boston.


Veneers VS Invisalign: Which is Right for You?

October 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 6:10 pm

Woman at veneer consultationA beautiful, confident smile is priceless; however, few people have flawless teeth naturally. Bite and alignment problems are leading concerns among adults of all ages. Whether you’re embarrassed by gapped, rotated, or overcrowded teeth, you have more options than ever to improve your smile. Invisalign is a preferred orthodontic solution for adults because clear aligners are nearly invisible, but that’s not the only option. You may be a candidate for veneers, which can give you the smile you desire in as few as 2 appointments. While both methods are effective, there are a few things you need to know about the difference between Invisalign and veneers.


What are Periodontal Pockets & How Can You Get Rid of Them?

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 3:15 am
dentist cleaning patient's teeth and gums

Gum disease is an infection that commonly occurs due to poor oral hygiene. Genetics, pregnancy, and other factors can also contribute to how likely someone is to develop this condition. When someone has gum disease, this can sometimes cause periodontal pockets to form. Keep reading to learn about what these are as well as what your dentist can do to get rid of them.


How To: Keep Your Gums Healthy

August 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 2:38 pm
Smiling patient showing her healthy gums

When it comes to oral health, teeth often take center stage. However, your gums are equally as important. If they aren’t cared for properly, they can develop gum disease, which is a condition roughly 50% of American adults deal with. While it can be managed in the early stages, it can result in tooth loss if left alone to progress. So, it’s safe to say that maintaining healthy gums is a crucial part of any oral hygiene regimen! If you’re unsure where to start, don’t worry – here are five tips to help.


5 Important Ways to Prevent a Dental Emergency

August 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 10:28 pm
woman smiling after treating dental emergency in Boston

Most people will likely need urgent oral care at some point in their lives. Not only can a dental emergency happen when you least expect one, but it can often be very stressful if you aren’t sure how to handle it. While many of these situations aren’t always predictable, there are ways you can reduce your chances of experiencing one. Keep reading to learn five essential methods that can help you avoid the need for urgent dental care in the future!


The Incredible Benefits of Veneers

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 12:11 am
closeup of woman smiling after getting veneers in Boston

Feeling unhappy with what you see when you smile in the mirror? You may be thinking about improving your pearly whites with veneers in Boston. Aside from appearance, this cosmetic treatment can positively impact your overall quality of life in several ways. If you’re on the fence about committing to veneers, read on to learn about a few incredible benefits you should take into consideration.


4 Tips for Caring for Your Retainer

April 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 1:21 pm
Retainer in carrying case

After wearing braces or clear aligners, you might think a retainer wouldn’t need much upkeep. Your teeth are straight now, and you only need to wear this new orthodontic device for a few hours each day. How could you mess that up?

Well, retainers need proper care to keep teeth healthy and straight. To ensure your own do the job right, try following these four tips.


3 Subtle Benefits of Invisalign

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 9:50 am
Woman holding Invisalign aligners in the shape of heart

If you’re about to get Invisalign clear aligners, you’re probably just focusing on how discrete they are. Compared to braces that use brackets and wires, Invisalign lets you keep a more natural smile while straightening your teeth. That’s why most consider aligners the more popular option at this point.

However, clear aligners have other advantages besides their low-key appearance. Here are three subtler benefits of Invisalign that you would get to experience!


What Questions Should You Ask at a Dental Implant Consultation?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 10:05 pm
mature woman writing on notepad

What better way to effectively learn about something than to ask an informed person some good questions? Instead of skipping preparation and asking, “What do I need to know?” coming to a dental implant consultation with a lot of things to ask your dentist is the way to go. After all, dental implants are a smile-changing decision and a significant investment, so you need to be confident in your choice. Read on to get some quality question ideas from your implant dentist in Boston.


What Is the Lifespan of Dental Implants?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — backbaydentist @ 8:19 pm
dental implant 3D illustration

Are you missing teeth? You aren’t alone. So are 178 million Americans. Fortunately, there are several tooth replacement options to choose from. One preferred option by patients and dentists alike is dental implants because of their many benefits. But how long do dental implants last? Continue reading to learn more about their lifespan and how you can extend it.

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